Saturday, May 26, 2018

IBS Psalm 119:46

I will also speak of your testimonies before kings
and shall not be put to shame.

This past week has been crazy. I didn’t know what to expect with my trip to visit refugee camps in northern Uganda. I thought it would be more shocking or something, but the lord truly showed me they were still just people in great need. It’s funny because this was only my second mission trip, and it is definitely one I will remember. As I was reading this verse It really struck me as a fitting verse for my experiences. Because the purpose of the trip was to glorify God, through my music, service, and love for His children. God gives us opportunities that we will never forget, radical life-changing blessings to serve others in any way. Whether it’s stacking chairs or giving out food, God was glorified and was with me on this trip. He taught me and equipped me for future service, and blessed me with the opportunity to serve with a great team I know blessed the people and pastors from South Sudan. He lets us on these trips to witness to anyone, from the lowest beggar to the highest ruler, of what the power of Gods love can do. Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of serving you. 


Today I will draw out on a little note card the flag of South Sudan to remind me to pray for the people, and also pray that I may never fall back from testifying the work He is doing in my life and In the camps
IBS 1 Samuel 17: 46-47

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.

As a human it’s easy to see the things of this world and be uneasy with hard situations. I have been given the opportunity to go minister in refugee camps in Northern Africa. I know God is sending me for a reason, and I’m excited, but I’m the enemy tries to discourage me telling me I can’t minister to these people. But it’s not about me, it’s about the lords work. When I let fear creak in I get crippled. Like the Israelites. Waiting, watching and rotting while their enemy laughs in their faces, shaming their people and their God. Their eyes only saw the man. But God, oh but God sees more. Like the heart of a young man after His own heart. A man who could not wait for the “men” to do something, so he let God use Him in one of the most amazing accounts in the Bible ever. “There is no fear in love, for perfect live drives out all fear” 1 John 4:18. David’s love for the Lord, and the lords love for him gave him the victory. And Gods glory was revealed to the whole land. This land that was in fear of a man, and like a good Sheppard, a boy to returned the people to the sheepfold. But most importantly David gave glory to the one that gave him the power the giant in the first place. Me I know God will give me his power an he will be glorified in His victory. Thank you lord for your encouraging words in times of need.

Today I will memorize this passage

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


I know the Lord is trying to work in my life, but I keep getting in the way. I take my eyes off of Him and I get distracted with earthly things. The enemy throws my sin and my surroundings at me to distract me, but I’m distracted further still by the lord. He always brings my eyes back to Him. What the enemy throws at me the lord throws away further than my mind can comprehend. And He covers me with a love my heart can’t contain. In a time of need the lord has shown me I can’t do it on my own, and that when the eyes are not focused on being Christ like, tension and frustration arises that only creates division. Lord help me to see as you see and let your word solidify In my heart. 

This week I will make this passage my background on my phones to remind me of Gods promises

I know the Lord is trying to work in my life, but I keep getting in the way. I take my eyes off of Him and I get distracted with earthly things. The enemy throws my sin and my surroundings at me to distract me, but I’m distracted further still by the lord. He always brings my eyes back to Him. What the enemy throws at me the lord throws away further than my mind can comprehend. And He covers me with a love my heart can’t contain. In a time of need the lord has shown me I can’t do it on my own, and that when the eyes are not focused on being Christ like, tension and frustration arises that only creates division. Lord help me to see as you see and let your word solidify In my heart. 

This week I will make this passage my background on my phones to remind me of Gods promises